Wednesday, December 4, 2013

64 Insulting Slang Words

Slang is a kind of language consisting of very informal words and phrases. Slang is more common in speech than in writing. Slang words are often used in a particular context or by a particular group of people.

This is a list of insulting or derogatory slang terms.


airhead American English Offensive

a silly, stupid person

arsehole | asshole Taboo

a selfish, unpleasant, obnoxious person

ass-kisser American English Taboo

someone who says nice things to someone in order to get something from them

bastard Offensive

an unpleasant, despicable person


a pretty, but empty-headed, young lady

bugger (1) British and Australian English Vulgar

a disliked or pitiful person, usually a man


a coward (n.) | cowardly (adj.)

dag Australian English Offensive

an unfashionable or socially awkward person

dago Taboo

a derogatory word for a person from Italy, Spain, Portugal or South America


a dull, lazy, unreliable person

dickhead Offensive

an unpleasant or annoying person

donkey American and Australian English

a stupid or silly person

dope (2)

a stupid person, a fool

dork American English Offensive

a socially awkward person

dweeb American English Offensive

a studious but socially inept person

flake American English

an unreliable person who says they'll do something, but then doesn't do it

floozy | floozie | floosie

a girl or woman with a reputation for sleeping with many people


a strange person

fruitcake Offensive

a crazy or eccentric person


a person who talks too much


a computer and IT expert

geezer Offensive

an old person

git British English Offensive

a fool, a stupid person

goose (1)

a silly or stupid person

hick American English Offensive

a rural person regarded as uneducated and mentally slow (n.) | provincial or rural (adj.)

honky American English Offensive

a derogatory term in black American slang for a white person

jerk Offensive

a stupid person

kike American English Taboo

a derogatory word meaning a Jewish person

klutz American and Australian English Offensive

a clumsy or foolish person

kook American English

a strange or eccentric person

lardass American English Offensive

an overweight person, esp. one with large buttocks

limey Offensive

a derogatory word meaning a British person (n.) | British (adj.)


an obnoxious person who talks too much and too loudly

louse American English Offensive

an unpleasant or nasty person

meathead Offensive

a stupid person

nerd Offensive

a studious person with few social skills

nut | nutter British English Offensive

a crazy or strange person

old bat

an unpleasant old woman

pig (1) Offensive

an unattractive and unpleasant person

poof | poofter Offensive

an offensive, derogatory word meaning a gay man

prat British English Offensive

a fool


crazy, insane


a horrible, nasty person

redneck American English Offensive

a lower-class white person from a rural background

scum | scumbag

a worthless or very disliked person


a deranged or perverted person

smart-arse British English Offensive

a person who's annoying because they try to show how clever and knowledgeable they are (n.) | having an annoying way of trying to seem clever (adj.)

smart-ass American English Offensive

a person who's annoying because they try to show how clever and knowledgeable they are (n.) | having an annoying way of trying to seem clever (adj.)

tight-arse Australian English Offensive

a person who doesn't like spending money, especially on other people

tight-ass American English Offensive

someone who's repressed and very strict about following society's rules

toff British English

a wealthy, upper-class person

tool (1) Offensive

a stupid person

twerp | twirp Offensive

a silly, immature person

twit Offensive

a silly, stupid person

wanker Offensive

an arrogant or pretentious person


a strange, eccentric or weird person


a weak, unassertive person

wog British English Taboo

an offensive, derogatory term for a person whose skin colour is not white

wop Taboo

a derogatory term for a person from southern Europe, especially an Italian

yahoo (2)

a rude, loud, aggressive person

yid | Yid Taboo

an offensive, derogatory word meaning a Jewish person

yob | yobbo British English Offensive

an aggressive, impolite, crude person

yokel Offensive

a simple, poorly-educated person from the countryside


a worthless person, someone who's done nothing worthwhile 

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